IMPORTANT! You must fill out the form below for each registrant. Do not attempt to register an additional attendee by changing only the name and clicking submit multiple times. Note: If using a PO Number for payment, you must enter THE REGISTRANT's NAME and the REGISTRANT'S school address below for billing purposes
Perferred Mailing Address:
Home School
Registration includes: All Showcase sessions, All Break Out Sessions, All Keynotes, Entry into Door Prizes(must be Present to win)
Please slect the one that applies to you!
TAAE Member Or Non-Member
If PO# is submitted, invoice will be emailed to email address submitted.If Waiting on PO Number enter 7 zeros!
Note - Must Include School Address Above For Billing.
You can substitute someone in your place after June 9, but there will be no refunds as we will have paid for the conference at that point.
Please complete one registration form “per individual.”
Check out Procedures:
Amount Due: $0.00
After you fill out the form click on the submit button to see total amounts!If you get no errors a Checkout button will appear below ! Click Checkout Button To Pay!
© Texas Association for Alternative Education. All Rights Reserved.