"Best Practice Award"

Instructions & Criteria Application

$500 TAAE AWARD for “Best Practices”
in Texas Alternative Schools

by March 12, 2025

This TAAE sponsored contest will focus on established classroom practices presently being utilized in an alternative school, DAEP,AEP, JJAEP, charter school or School of Choice setting. This is a “Best Practice Award” for alternative schools that is designed to spotlight practices implemented in an alternative classroom setting. The purpose of the award is to generate ideas and share outcomes regarding alternative classroom practices that are working throughout Texas. It is the desire of TAAE to recognize “outstanding and promising classroom practices” at our annual conference each year and disseminate those ideas to our TAAE members through our newsletter as a learning tool. Up to two submissions will be selected for a $500 cash award for each school. Awards will be granted directly to teachers or to a school, depending on the best practice’s scope of impact, and will be posted on the TAAE website for review.


To be considered for the TAAE Best Practice Award, answer the following questions on this form and submit to TAAE by March 12, 2025.

Please complete one registration form “per entry.”

Submit Form:

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